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Mirmilad Mirsayar

Assistant Professor | COES: Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences

Contact Information

Personal Overview

Dr. Mirmilad Mirsayar is an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering in the Department of Aerospace, Physics, and Space Sciences at the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT). He has co-authored over 45 peer-reviewed journal publications and several conference proceedings papers. He has received several awards and recognitions to date, including a National Science Foundation Standard Research Grant Award, World's Top 2% Researchers by Stanford University & Elsevier (2021, 2022, and 2023), and Outstanding Reviewer Awards from many prestigious journals in the field of solids and structures. Prior to his current appointment at FIT, he served as a Postdoctoral Researcher and then as a Research Scientist in the Aerospace Engineering Department of Texas A&M University, working on several funded projects on advanced materials and structures, fracture mechanics & fatigue, and composite structures. He earned his Ph.D. degree from Texas A&M University in 2017.

Research Interests: i) Mechanics and Physics of Fracture in various complex material systems; ii) Theoretical and Computational Mechanics; iii) Mechanics of Advanced Composites and Cellular Structures; iv) Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials; v) Multiscale Fatigue Crack Growth; vi) Additive Manufacturing; vii) Constitutive Modeling of Multiphysics Deformation

Research Laboratory: 

Metacomposites Integrity Research Lab (MIR-Lab) by Dr. Mirsayar and Dr. Jha. (


Major Funded Projects: 

1. (July 2023 - July 2026): Understanding Mixed-Mode Fracture Mechanics in Additively Manufacturable Functionally Graded Microcellular Solids - awarded by National Science Foundation

Educational Background

Ph.D. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2017) 

Professional Experience

Member, University Research Council (Aug. 2022 - present)

Assistant Professor, Florida Institute of Technology (Aug. 2020 - present) 

Research Scientist, Texas A&M University (2018-2020)

Postdoctoral Researcher, Texas A&M University (2017-2018)

Current Courses

AEE 3083: Mechanics of Materials

AEE 5470: Principles of Composite Materials

MEE 5460: Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue

Selected Publications

        Note: "†" represents single authorship

  • Mirsayar, MM., & Shahbazian, B. (2024). "A novel three-dimensional notch fracture criterion via effective critical distances". International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 109149. [Impact Factor:7.30]
  • † Mirsayar MM., (2023) "A novel multiscale model for mixed-mode fatigue crack growth in laminated composites". International Journal of Mechanical Sciences; 255:108470. [Impact Factor:7.30]
  • Afshar R, Faramarzi L, Mirsayar M, Ebrahimi BJ. (2023) "Aggregate size effects on fracture behavior of concrete SCB specimens". Construction and Building Materials; 389:131628. [Impact Factor:7.40]
  • Saedi S, Acar E, Raji H, Saghaian SE, Mirsayar M. (2023) "Energy Damping in Shape Memory Alloys: A Review". Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 25:170286. [Impact Factor:6.20]
  • † Mirsayar, M.M., (2022) "A generalized model for dynamic mixed-mode fracture via state-based peridynamics". Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 1‐15. doi:10.1111/ffe.13860 [Impact Factor:3.70]
  • Mirsayar, M.M., Shahbazian B. (2022) "An energy-based criterion for mixed-mode I/II/III fracture considering effective critical distances". Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 108674.[Impact Factor:5.40]
  • † Mirsayar, M. M. (2022). "On brittle fracture of two‐dimensional lattices with material anisotropies". Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 1‐13. doi:10.1111/ffe.13711. [Impact Factor:3.70]
  • † Mirsayar, M. M. (2022). "Maximum principal strain criterion for fracture in orthotropic composites under combined tensile/shear loading". Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 118, 103291. [Impact Factor:5.30]
  • Shahbazian B., Mirsayar, M.M., et al. (2022) "Experimental and theoretical investigation of mixed-mode I/II and I/III fracture behavior of PUR foams using a novel strain-based criterion". International Journal of Solids and Structures, [Impact Factor:3.60]
  • † Mirsayar, M. M. (2021). "On the effective critical distances in three-dimensional brittle fracture via a strain-based framework". Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 248, 107740. [Impact Factor:5.40]

  • † Mirsayar, M. M. (2021). "A combined stress/energy-based criterion for mixed-mode fracture of laminated composites considering fiber bridging micromechanics". International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 106319. [Impact Factor:7.30]

  • † Mirsayar, M. M. (2021). "A generalized criterion for fatigue crack growth in additively manufactured materials–Build orientation and geometry effects". International Journal of Fatigue145, 106099.  [Impact Factor:6.00]

  • Aliha, M.R.M, Samareh-Mousavi, S.S. & Mirsayar, M. M. (2021). "Loading rate effect on mixed-mode I/II brittle fracture behavior of PMMA using inclined cracked SBB specimen". International Journal of Solids and Structures, 111177.[Impact Factor:3.60]
  • Davis, A.M., Mirsayar, M.M. & Hartl, D.J. (2021). "A novel structural health monitoring approach in concrete structures using embedded magnetic shape memory alloy components. Construction and Building Materials311, p.125212. [Impact Factor:7.40]
  • Torabi, A.R., Shahbazian, B., Mirsayar, M. & Cicero, S., (2021). A Methodology to Determine the Effective Plastic Zone Size Around Blunt V-Notches under Mixed Mode I/II Loading and Plane-Stress Conditions. Metals11(7), p.1042. [Impact Factor:2.90]
  • Aliha, M.R.M., Kucheki, H.G. & Mirsayar, M. (2021). Mixed Mode I/II Fracture Analysis of Bi-Material Adhesive Bonded Joints Using a Novel Short Beam Specimen. Applied Sciences11(11), p.5232. [Impact Factor:2.70]
  • Mirsayar, M. M., & Hartl, D. J. (2020). "Damage detection via embedded sensory particles–Effect of particle/matrix interphase properties". Composite Structures232, 111536. [Impact Factor:6.30]

  • Vashisth, A., & Mirsayar, M. M. (2020). "A combined atomistic-continuum study on the temperature effects on interfacial fracture in SiC/SiO2 composites". Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics105, 102399.[Impact Factor:5.30]

  • † Mirsayar, M. M. (2019). "T-strain effects in kinked interfacial fracture of bonded composites". Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics104, 102381.[Impact Factor:5.30]

  • Mirsayar, M. M., & Hartl, D. J. (2019). "On the validity of strain energy density criterion for mixed mode I/II fracture analysis of notched shape memory alloy components". Engineering Fracture Mechanics214, 270-288.[Impact Factor:5.40]

  • Mirsayar, M. M., & Hartl, D. J. (2019). "On the cracks normal to shape memory alloy/elastic material interfaces". Engineering Fracture Mechanics216, 106509.[Impact Factor: 5.40]

  • Shi, X., Mirsayar, M.M., Mukhopadhyay, A., & Zollinger, D. (2019). Characterization of two-parameter fracture properties of portland cement concrete containing reclaimed asphalt pavement aggregates by semicircular bending specimens. Cement and Concrete Composites95, 56-69.[Impact Factor: 10.50]

  • † Mirsayar, M. M. (2018). On fracture analysis of dental restorative materials under combined tensile-shear loading. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics93, 170-176.[Impact Factor:5.30]

  • Mirsayar, M. M., Razmi, A., Aliha, M. R. M., & Berto, F. (2018). EMTSN criterion for evaluating mixed mode I/II crack propagation in rock materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics190, 186-197.[Impact Factor:5.40]

  • Mirsayar, M. M., Razmi, A., & Berto, F. (2018). Tangential strain‐based criteria for mixed‐mode I/II fracture toughness of cement concrete. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures41(1), 129-137.[Impact Factor:3.37]

  • † Mirsayar, M. M. (2017). On the low temperature mixed mode fracture analysis of asphalt binder–Theories and experiments. Engineering fracture mechanics186, 181-194.[Impact Factor:3.70]

  • Razmi, A., & Mirsayar, M. M. (2017). On the mixed mode I/II fracture properties of jute fiber-reinforced concrete. Construction and Building Materials148, 512-520.[Impact Factor: 7.40]

  • Mirsayar, M. M., & Park, P. (2016). Mixed mode brittle fracture analysis of high strength cement mortar using strain-based criteria. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics86, 233-238.[Impact Factor:5.30]

  • Mirsayar, M. M., & Park, P. (2016). Modified maximum tangential stress criterion for fracture behavior of zirconia/veneer interfaces. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials59, 236-240.[Impact Factor:3.90]

  • Mirsayar, M. M., Berto, F., Aliha, M. R. M., & Park, P. (2016). Strain-based criteria for mixed-mode fracture of polycrystalline graphite. Engineering Fracture Mechanics156, 114-123.[Impact Factor:5.40]

  • † Mirsayar, M. M. (2015). Mixed mode fracture analysis using extended maximum tangential strain criterion. Materials & Design, 86, 941-947.[Impact Factor: 8.40]

  • Mirsayar, M. M., & Park, P. (2015). The role of T-stress on kinking angle of interface cracks. Materials & Design80, 12-19.[Impact Factor: 8.40]

  • † Mirsayar, M. M. (2014). On fracture of kinked interface cracks–The role of T-stress. Materials & Design61, 117-123.[Impact Factor: 8.40]

  • Mirsayar, M. M., Aliha, M. R. M., & Samaei, A. T. (2014). On fracture initiation angle near bi-material notches–Effects of first non-singular stress term. Engineering fracture mechanics119, 124-131.[Impact Factor:5.40]

  • Arabi, H., Mirsayar, M. M., Samaei, A. T., & Darandeh, M. (2013). Study of characteristic equation of the elastic stress field near bimaterial notches. Strength of Materials45(5), 598-606.

  • Ayatollahi, M. R., Dehghany, M., & Mirsayar, M. M. (2013). A comprehensive photoelastic study for mode I sharp V-notches. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids37, 216-230.[Impact Factor:4.10]
  • Ayatollahi, M. R., Mirsayar, M. M., & Dehghany, M. (2011). Experimental determination of stress field parameters in bi-material notches using photoelasticity. Materials & Design32(10), 4901-4908.[Impact Factor: 8.40]

  • Samaei, A. T., & Mirsayar, M. M. (2011). Buckling Analysis of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Consideration of Small Scale Effects. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience8(11), 2214-2219.

  • Samaei, A. T., Abbasion, S., & Mirsayar, M. M. (2011). Buckling analysis of a single-layer graphene sheet embedded in an elastic medium based on nonlocal Mindlin plate theory. Mechanics Research Communications38(7), 481-485.[Impact Factor:2.40]

  • Ayatollahi, M. R., Mirsayar, M. M., & Nejati, M. (2010). Evaluation of first non-singular stress term in bi-material notches. Computational Materials Science50(2), 752-760.[Impact Factor:3.30]

Recognition & Awards

Faculty Excellence Award for Research, Department of Aerospace, Physics, and Space Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology (2024)    

NSF-CMMI-Mechanics of Materials & Structures Standard Research Grant Award (2023)

Selected as one of the World's Top 2% Cited Researchers for both the "Career-long" and "single-year" by Elsevier & Stanford University (years 2021, 2022, and 2023)

Most Cited Article in “Engineering Fracture Mechanics”(Elsevier), 2021.

Outstanding reviewer award: Journal of “Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures” (John Wiley & Sons Publications), 2017.

Outstanding reviewer award: Journal of “Measurement” (Elsevier), 2017.

Outstanding reviewer award: Journal of “Engineering Fracture Mechanics” (Elsevier), 2017.

Outstanding reviewer award: Journal of “Construction and Building Materials” (Elsevier), 2017.

Most Cited Article in “Engineering Fracture Mechanics”(Elsevier), 2016.

Most Cited Article in “Theoretical & Applied Fracture Mechanics”(Elsevier), 2016.


Research Laboratory: 

Metacomposites Integrity Research Lab (MIR-Lab) by Dr. Mirsayar and Dr. Jha. (


Major Funded Projects 

1. (July 2023 - July 2026): Understanding Mixed-Mode Fracture Mechanics in Additively Manufacturable Functionally Graded Microcellular Solids - awarded by National Science Foundation

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